Little Cricket didn’t know it at the time, but the day she arrived at the Burbank Animal Shelter turned out to be the best day of her life.

Cricket was a stray. She and her litter of kittens were living rough in the Burbank Hills. When brush fires broke out in her area things got even worse. Luckily a local citizen was able to bring them to the Burbank Animal Shelter.
Her kittens were happy to be inside, and they quickly adapted to human contact. In a few weeks they were ready for adoption and went to their forever homes. But Cricket was still skittish and very shy around people. When approached by humans she would hide in the back of her kennel. She wasn’t feral, but she needed more time to come around.

Cricket joined the VBAS’s Cat Socialization Program. Dedicated volunteers came in every day to work with Cricket and build her trust. It took 5 months, but she slowly came out of her shell and figured out that humans weren’t that bad. Especially when they had treats! She was still wary, but would happily sit next to people she knew. Cricket was coming around! All she needed was the right adopter…
Enter experienced cat owners Miki and Erik. They had had cats like Cricket before, and came to the shelter looking for a “harder to adopt” cat. They instantly connected with Cricket and decided to take her home!

While she was wary at first, Cricket quickly warmed up to her new family and her new digs. After a few days she was taking treats out of their hands and settling right in. Her new parents are a musical couple, and much to everyone’s surprise Cricket is most at ease when they’re singing and playing the ukulele. But don’t take our word for it, watch the video!
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We couldn’t be happier to see Cricket so happy and comfortable in her new home! We’d like to say a big thank you to the Socialization Team for everything they’ve done for Cricket, and an even bigger thank you to Miki and Erik for adopting and giving her the forever home she deserves!