
KITTENS KITTENS KITTENS!!!! The Kitten Foster Program needs your help!

The kittens are here!

It’s only the end of June, and the 2019 kitten season is already one for the record books. May was our busiest month ever with our Kitten Foster Program taking in 73 kittens. That’s 50% more than our previous high!

Fostering gave me a second chance.

Now that the weather is warm, kitten season is in full swing. Stray and feral cats living in the wild begin having kittens, and hundreds of these kittens are being turned in at the Burbank Animal Shelter. The Shelter does not have the space to house and care for them all, and this is where our Kitten Foster Program (KFP) comes in. KFP saves over 250 tiny kittens each year by providing care in temporary foster homes until they can be adopted.

We need all the help we can get with bottle feeding!

The kittens are still coming in and the Kitten Foster Program needs your help! We need more fosters to provide temporary homes to these tiny kittens until they reach adoption age. We provide training, all supplies and medical care. You provide a caring home and get to play with kittens for a few weeks! (And yes, it’s a *lot* of fun!)

Thank you for saving me.

Can you foster a kitten for a few weeks and help us save lives? Click on our Kitten Foster Volunteer page to see our Frequently Asked Questions and to sign up!

Can we stay with you for a while?