Ralphs rewards is a free donation program. When you shop at Ralphs and use your rewards card, Ralphs will donate a percentage of your purchases to the VBAS.
Become a Ralphs rewards member today, and you can save an animal’s life! The more you buy, the higher a percentage Ralphs will donate.
It’s free. You shop. You save. We save… an animal’s life.
We appreciate you taking a few minutes to register the VBAS as your charity of choice today.
To Register or Re-register:
1. Go to www.ralphs.com
2. Click on “Welcome Sign In” in the upper right hand corner.
3. Sign in to or Create an Account for a Ralphs rewards account.
4. Go to “Welcome Sign In” section and select “My Account” from the dropdown.
5. Page down to Community Contributions (on the left) and click Enroll or Edit
6. To designate the VBAS as your charity – Search for NPO #’NU566′ or ‘Volunteers of the Burbank Animal’
7. Click “Enroll” to finish the process.