Babs the Beagle arrived at the shelter a few weeks ago. This super friendly and outgoing 6 year old gal won the hearts of everyone she met at the shelter, but the poor girl had a case of cherry eye.

Cherry eye is a protrusion of the 3rd eyelid gland. This affliction is common in some breeds (like Beagles), and if left untreated can lead to serious complications. The good news is that it can be fixed!
Eye surgery is outside the current ability of the Medical department at the Burbank Animal Shelter, so they found a specialist to do the surgery and the VBAS made a plan to fund it.
The VBAS would like to extend a big thank you to Dr. Bayliff at Montrose Pet Hospital who performed the surgery to repair Babs’ eye. We also want to thank our generous donors whose support made this surgery possible.

Hang in there Babs! The cone will come off soon!
Babs is currently on the mend and resting comfortably at the shelter. She will continue to be monitored to make sure the sutures hold and there is no relapse, but her prognosis is good. In a few more weeks she should be cleared by medical for adoption, and then this lovely lady will be ready to find her forever home!