This big, lovable guy arrived at the Burbank Animal Shelter back in October of 2016 and is long overdue to find the right home to call his own. Bruno is a sweet, old-soul of a pup with no shortage of personality to share with his new family. His expressive eyes and warm smile will no doubt be a staple on your Facebook or Instagram feed attracting plenty of likes should you decide to adopt him.
Even though he’s 8 years old, Bruno’s youthful energy makes him the perfect dog for an experienced owner who likes to stay active and shower him with affection. Bruno insists on daily exercise, so he’ll be more interested in you if you’ve got a yard for him to run and play in. Oh and stock up on tennis balls. Bruno loves them, almost as much as he loves belly rubs and tasty treats combined! And after a rousing game of fetch, Bruno loves to chill and chew on a squeaky toy.

Now that you’ve gotten to know Bruno a little bit, we can let you in on a little secret. Bruno loves kids. He’s incredibly tolerant at playing dress up, attending tea parties or curling up next to you while you read him a good book. But while he loves kids, he’s not as big of a fan of other dogs, so he’ll have to be the only dog in your life. But do you really need another dog when you have one as great at Bruno?
Bruno is also part of the VBAS Training Program and his adoption comes with free individual or group training sessions from one of our recommended trainers. Bruno is housebroken already though, so you don’t have to worry about teaching him that. In addition, Bruno’s fees are lovingly sponsored for 50% off.

Looking to add a loving new family member? Come down to the Burbank Animal Shelter and interview Bruno today!