Puddy, our most senior feline resident started the summer off the right way: he found his forever home!

This sweet and distinguished 13 year old shelter favourite with the gift of gab was quite talkative the moment he arrived at the shelter. He would love to regale visitors and give out advice based on his many years of experience.

Master and commander of the counter stool
It all paid off when a nice family came to the shelter looking for a loving cat. He walked right over, meowed a hello, and did a cheek rub to all five family members. (Way to go Puddy!) Being a chatty one, he quickly talked them into taking him home.

As an older gentleman, It took a little while for Puddy to get used to his new home and figure out his new brother Oscar, the 80 lb Labrador Retriever. Oscar was super excited to have another cat around. Puddy, well, not so much at first, but he came around! Now he and Oscar hang around together, and according to Oscar he’s even grown to appreciate the occasional doggy lick.

Puddy sharing “his” chair.

Puddy has a wonderful habit of nestling on your chest if you’re on the couch (or bed), and also loves to reach up and pat your chin with his paws. He loves to meet new people, says hello to all guests, loves to play with kids and is extremely curious.
Rumor has it that Puddy’s new dad is more of a dog person, but Puddy is working on that…

Look into my eyes, silly human!
We’d like to say a big thank you to Puddy’s family for adopting and giving him a wonderful home to live out his golden years!