We’d like to say a big Thank Mew to the new kitten foster parents who joined the Kitten Foster Program (KFP) after our article (The Kittens Are Here) last month. We gained a dozen foster parents….but we received dozens of kittens too!

The kittens are still arriving, and we still need your help! We are expecting another 100+ orphan kittens to come in before the kitten season ends in (hopefully) November. The shelter does not have the space to house and care for them all. We need foster families who can give them a loving temporary home until they are big enough to be adopted. Fostering kittens is incredibly rewarding and it’s also a lot of fun. We will supply training, all supplies, and of course, the kittens.

Foster parents come from all walks of life, and we will give you kittens that match your lifestyle. They don’t take up much space (a bathroom is a palace compared to a kennel!), and they won’t mind if you work all day. Half the day in an empty house is better than 24 hours a day in a kennel, and they’ll be so happy to see you when you get home!

If you can bottle feed, if you can only take foster kittens that are already eating, or if you are only able to foster short term for a week or two at a time, we want you. Click here for more information about signing up to become a foster parent.
Fostering saves lives twice: You’re saving the kittens in your care *and* you are freeing up space at the shelter to save more lives!
Thank you!