Kittens from the the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter’s Kitten Foster Program (KFP) rocked out to some great tunes July 14th at the Burbank Starlight Bowl!
The Starlight Bowl hosts a series of outdoor evening concerts every summer, and the VBAS was lucky enough to be invited to attend and raise awareness about our furry friends.

Starlight Bowl MC Jeffrey Hopkins and Kitten Foster Dad Jim Richardson interview Rockstar Kitten Barney. (Photo by Deborah Dodge)

Mia practices hitting her marks while Betty waits backstage. (Photo by Deborah Dodge)

Volunteers Irina Di Vicenzo and Kim Freed watch the table while Betty and Barney sample the buffet before their big on-stage debut.
The VBAS would like to say a big thank you to the Starlight Bowl for letting us come to the party and show off our kittens!
Mark your calendar! The VBAS will be bringing dogs to the Bowl on July 28th and the kittens will be returning for the August 11th show. Get you tickets now and we look forward to seeing you there!