By Jean Schanberger
As 2019 rolls around you might be considering some New Year’s Resolutions to improve your health, wealth, relationships and overall life. Lots of common “people” resolutions readily apply to pets too! Try one or more of these goals on for size as we kick off the New Year, then keep up these good habits all year long!

Get yourself a health checkup, and then one for your furry friend! Take your pet to the veterinarian to stay current on vaccines, teeth cleaning, flea prevention and de-worming.

Try out a new hairstyle or get a massage. Then treat your pet to a spa day at the groomer’s! Besides coming home looking and smelling great, grooming services keep your pet’s nails, skin and ears at their best!

Get fit with more exercise and better diet, or join a gym! Then include your pet in getting more exercise and playtime. Get a laser toy or climbing stand for your cat! Invest in safe indoor play and chew toys for all! Has your pup packed on a few holiday pounds? Lay off the snacks and take a hike together!

Make an estate plan. Plan ahead for the inevitable and how it would affect your pet. Identify and get the permission of the people who would give your pet its next great home, and write it into your estate plan. Set aside some funds to support your pet’s future needs.

Declutter your house! Got a nifty new electronic gizmo over the holidays? Pass your gently used one along to an animal shelter or organization who can use it.
Cleaning out your linen closet in January to shop the sales? Share used towels and blankets with the animal shelter.

Go back to school! Take your dog to a class! From puppy pre-school to obedience, agility, nose work and sheep herding, many local shelters, pet supply retailers and professional trainers offer you and your pet lots of ways to have fun and learn together!

Do more good in the world! Got a little extra cash? Not going to use that gift card? Donate to the VBAS or an animal welfare organization of your choice.

Fill that empty space in your home and/or your heart. Ready to give a new pet a home? Adopt a pet! Have time and space for a short time? Foster a pet!

Enjoy life more! Get a pet. Love a pet. Care for your pet. Enjoy your pet! And Happy New Year to all!