Since reopening for adoptions via appointment in late June, the shelter has been seeing a lot of great adoptions! Here are a few!

TK was one of the Shelters’ first adoptees after reopening. He’s doing great and is now known as Montgomery Ward (Monty for short)

Bonded pair Sammy and Delilah also found their new family!!!

Guillermo is super happy to be in his new home and happy to be…well…himself!

Paulie found his new best friend. Congratulations Paulie!

Risaka (now known as Sydney) is doing great and made herself comfortable right away.

She loves sleeping in sunny patches, and also has a knack for finding indoor rainbows. Way to go pretty girl!

Bowzer (now known as Buddy) hit the jackpot.

He moved in and made himself right at home. Look at that happy face!

Lovely Lily now has her very own window to watch the world go by.

And the little ball of fluff named Charlie found his happy home!
We still have amazing dogs and cats at the shelter available for adoption and waiting to be your new best friend! Watch our short video HERE to learn how to make an appointment to rescue your next pet from the Burbank Animal Shelter. We hope to see you soon!