Chuck is a super smart high energy boy! He has the brains and energy of a Belgian Malinois but the eyes of the husky. Both of these breeds are extremely intelligent and need lots of exercise and a job to do to keep them satisfied with being a family pet. This means Chuck will need rigorous exercise per day (i.e. LONG hikes or jogs/runs) along with mental exercise such as agility training, being a service dog, or being put to some sort of work– a tired dog is a happier, better behaved dog.

Chuck already knows “sit” and is working with our kennel staff on walking nicely on a leash. We believe he is extremely capable and enjoys learning. An owner who is interested in continuing training with him would be best. Chuck would not do well in an apartment and no cats please.

Chuck has been introduced into playgroup, however we feel he would do best as the only dog in the household. He can play very rough and overwhelm some dogs– he especially enjoys nibbling on legs (a common behavior when Milionis play). If his adopter knows someone with a dog with a similar play style they can do supervised doggy playdates.

Please make an appointment by phone 818 238 3340 or in person to adopt Chuck!