Wolfie was brought to us as she was too much to handle for her previous owners–she’s a super energetic and vocal pup who hadn’t quite learned proper manners, so she was a bit of a wrecking ball. You see, in addition to being super active, Wolfie is smart…very smart. She needed an environment that would keep her both physically active *and* mentally stimulated. Wolfie needed more than a home…she needed a job!
Seeing Wolfie’s blend of spirt and smarts, and Shelter Staff reached out to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. A meet and greet was arranged and Wolfie was accepted into their program to become a search and rescue dog!

We recently received an update: “She has been settling in on campus well, and having a great time getting to go for lots of walks and playing in our yards. Wolfie has quite the spunky energy! She loves to engage with people who offer the same energy and she has the optimism for anything asked. Give her a task and she will give it her all!
We are going to be scheduling her formal performance screening soon, and we are excited to see what Wolfie thinks of the new area and our rubble pile.”

We’re super happy for Wolfie, and we know she’s happy too. 🙂 A big thank you to Shelter Staff for seeing her potential and taking the extra step to find Wolfie’s perfect landing spot.