Petunia Gets Her Ears Fixed

Petunia is a little French Bulldog who arrived at the shelter with horribly infected and scarred ears.  (They looked like cauliflower.)  She was completely deaf, and by the amount of swelling and scarring, she had been like this for a long, long time.  Seeing how she shook her head and…...

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The VBAS: 30 Years of Saving Lives!

June marks an important milestone for the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter (VBAS) as we celebrate our 30th anniversary. As the non-profit volunteer arm of the shelter, the VBAS has been working exclusively with the Burbank Shelter for 30 years to provide supplies, manage foster programs, fund special surgeries,…...

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Danny DeVito Gets A Dental

Like his namesake, Danny DeVito is a short, and shall we say, stocky, fellow.  He also has a way of making everyone who meets him smile. He’s a super happy-go-lucky fellow who loves pets and attention.  When you first meet him, he’ll come right over to you to say hello. …...

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Mykonos and Serena

Mykonos and Serena are a bonded pair who haven’t been at the shelter long and aren’t quite sure why they’re there.  They’re getting more comfortable each day, but they’d really like to be in a home. They’re both sweet and enjoy being pet. They also really enjoy a bit of…...

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Say hello to Blue. He’s a six year old Alaskan Malamute. A volunteer spent time with him and had this to say “Why Blue isn’t adopted is a wonder to me. This dog is so calm, sweet, and loving, yes and big. He will sit immediately so that you can…...

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