Say hello to mother/daughter duo Sasha (brunette, younger) and Mila (blonde, older). These gorgeous Shepherds are a bonded pair and ton of fun. Two volunteers took them out for a day hike in Griffith Park and everyone had a fantastic time!!! Mila likes to lead the pack when do our Happy Tails group hikes, so when other dogs came near, she wanted to follow them so she could take the lead. (Nothing aggressive, she just wants to be in front.) We distracted her with some treats and she quickly became more interested in snacking than leading. 🙂 Sasha was a true mama’s girl. She stayed close by Mila and was very good with other dogs.

Mila and Sasha *loved* relaxing on the grass, and the crows in the trees were especially fascinating to Mila. They were both very alert to people and other dogs walking around, but were very well behaved. They also went to Starbucks for their first puppuccino and boy did they love it!

Mila and Sasha are very smart and food motivated so training will be easy. Their adoption comes with a free month of training from GoodPup.com to ease them into her new home and help them bond with their new family.

Their Shepard nature means they want to be where you are and make your life fun and interesting. Yes- 2 big dogs is a lot of dog, but this bonded pair is so in sync that its not overwhelming. They are a source of laughter and playfulness and activity- all they want from you is a safe space, consistency, love and regular long walks/hikes/play sessions. If you can offer that and are ready to vacuum a lot (it’s a lot of fur- we won’t lie) then this dynamic duo is ready for you!

Come visit the Burbank Animal Shelter to foster or adopt Mila and Sasha!