Lucky has been with us for a long time. When he was captured, he was living as a feral dog, on his own, and fighting to survive every day. Staff and volunteers worked with Lucky daily to gain his confidence and to show him that he was safe.

Lucky has hit many milestones in the last year, including the ability to be affectionate and enjoy the love that he receives from staff and volunteers. Although he is still VERY weary of being on leash, we continue to work with him. He will need to go to an adopter that has experience with trauma in dogs, and who will be patient while he adapts to his new home.

Lucky needs a home with a yard and a secure/high fence and gate. Because of his insecurities and special circumstances, Lucky needs to go to a home with another dog. A dog buddy will help Lucky with his transition.

Lucky joins in our Dogs Playing for Life Play Groups daily and he is a great help, policing the other dogs that get rowdy and calming the scared ones. He is such a nurturing, good, boy, and has been a dream to care for, but it’s time that he goes to a forever home that he can call his own.

Come to the Burbank Animal Shelter to meet Lucky!