Meet BFFs Danny Ocean and Rusty Ryan. These two boys are the epitome of smooth, suave, smart, and orange.

With Danny, you will get a very opinionated void, but no worries, his opinions mainly revolve around food. This little dude can eat. He loves treats, he loves food, he loves treats in his food, and if you are not careful, he loves human food too. He is a little garbage disposal.

Danny loves to play and hangout with all of the cats, but he can also be chill and hangout on the heated pads. One of his favorite pastimes is being groomed by one of the resident cats. He will come straight to her, head bonk her, and then plop right in front of her, and she obliges. Talk about smooth.

But no worries, as he has also developed a bit of a soft spot for human playtime and attention. He really likes it when we pull out the wand toy, but when he wants, he will walk up to one of us and ask for pets. Not only does he like pets, he really likes butt pats, and especially LOVES belly rubs. You can really get his purr motor going during a belly rub session. And though he is not that fond of being picked up, he has been tolerating it more and more, and even allows his foster mom to give him some kisses.

Now Rusty on the other hand is a bit more reserved, shy and cautious. He likes observing his surroundings, but once he sees it is safe to be orange, he will charge right into action. Rusty is the true mastermind of the pair. He learns fast and you can’t fool this little dude. He always seems to be two steps ahead of us and knows what we are thinking. We have bought several treat puzzles and the little dude figured them out, FAST!

Out of the two, Rusty is definitely more into playtime. He likes to play hide n’ seek, or play with any kind of wand stick. But his nemesis is the laser pointer. He will run after it at full speed and keep going until he has to catch his breath, which can take a bit of a while. He also enjoys human attention, but at his discretion. And when he is in the mood, he likes to come to us and tilt his head up, asking for pets, let us give him butt pats, and occasionally, rub his belly.

The boys like to hang out with cats and like human attention too, so we have a feeling they may become cuddle bugs in the right home. They would do well in a furever home with a playful cat to join in the fun with them, or even where they are the only cats, so they can soak up all the love and steal your heart.

So, if you are able to spoil these two, contact their foster mom, Mayra, at With your inquiry, please include some information about your household, experience, and other pets, as well as any questions you might have.