Every adoption at the shelter is a reason to celebrate, but this month we had some extra special adoption stories we wanted to share.

Eric came to the shelter back in February. He wasn’t a happy cat when he arrived: He did *not* like humans and was very stressed. (So stressed his hair was falling out!) With patience, and a whole lot of TLC from the volunteers and Medical staff, Eric came out of his shell. He learned to relax, his hair grew back, and he started to enjoy being around people as he waited patiently for the right adopter.

Eric exploring his new digs.
Eric hit the jackpot when Bridget and her roommates came to the shelter. He connected with all of them, and spent the entire meet and greet rubbing against and headbutting everyone. Eric was soon in his new home with a warm bed, windows to look out of, and four roommates to play with and dote on him. Bridget reports that he’s settling in, exploring more and more of the house each day, and loves to play. He’s also purring up a *storm* when everyone pets him!

This is Eric-speak for “come rub my belly”.
It took a few months, but seeing Eric’s transformation and knowing he’s in a great home makes it all worthwhile!

Remember Vinnie (Vinnie on the Mend) who came to the shelter with two cherry eyes? Thanks to our donors, he was able to have the surgery he needed and went to a foster family to recover. He’s all better now, and was adopted by a loving family. Vinnie’s parents report their children have fallen in love with him, and he LOVES to play with the family’s other two furry residents Ginger and Waffles.
This just in: Chester The Wonder Kitten found his forever home!!!

Woo hoo! I’m doing my happy dance!
Chester is a special needs kitten with a chronic upper respiratory condition that will require extra care and attention. A big thanks to his new dad for adopting him!

Home sweet home! Zzzz…..
Chester’s dad says he has settled right in, is super playful, and is a pleasure to have as a new companion. His new favorite activities include playing with his water dish (oh Chester…) and sleeping.

Look into my eyes…
Chicago was another special story. This sweet 16 year old girl (You’d never know, she has the energy of a cat half her age!) quickly became a favorite at the shelter. She was super affectionate, always happy to see people, and would intently follow everyone with her eyes. She also didn’t mind loud noises…since she was deaf!

I can sleep through anything!
Happily, it didn’t take long for this lovely lady to be adopted. She found a great home and her new dad sent the following:
“Chicago is doing great. Her name got changed to Nancy Sinatra because her fur makes it looks like she has boots made for walking. She has taken to her new surroundings swimmingly. She has an entire house to wander around and lots of fun toys to keep her entertained.

So much to see!!!
She greets me when I come home after work and she sleeps in bed with me to keep me company. Nancy is very sweet and caring, she purrs frequently and meows very rarely, mostly when she gets locked out of rooms. I’m very happy with her and I think she’s happy too.”

And then there was Sue Sue who came to the shelter after her owner passed away. She arrived scared, confused and totally shut down. It took months of work in a foster home, but with lots of love and patience, our little girl came around. We’ll let her new adopter tell the rest of the story:
“It had been 3 and a half years since we said goodbye to our dear Tiddly. Tiddly was a 2003 rescue from the Burbank Shelter. After lots of healing we decided it was time to open our home and hearts to a new rescue. Then Sue-Sue came into our lives. Now that she has been in our “furever home” almost a month, it is clear that she was meant to be our baby.

Soo happy!
After being understandably timid and shy because her world was turned upside down, she is nothing but a playful, sweet, loving, and happy little doggy. She loves her long walks, treats, cuddles, and protecting her new home; as well as letting us love her. It is true that it’s not always about the owners rescuing the dog, but the dog rescuing the owners. Thank you for giving Sue-Sue the chance that she needed to live in a loving home once again.”
We hope you enjoyed these happy stories about Eric, Vinnie, Chester, Chicago, and Sue Sue. We have many more wonderful cats and dogs at the shelter still waiting to find their forever homes. Please come and meet them so we can share more happy stories like these!