We have to warn you…Cupcake and Moo Moo are a couple of “woofs” in cats’ clothing.

Moo Moo calls this pose “The George Costanza”
These 1½ year-old bonded brothers are highly social and love humans. That’s right…LOVE!
They also love giving and getting affection! And it doesn’t have to be on THEIR terms! Both are super-friendly and relish attention – Cupcake, moreso, as he likes to cut in line and get petted first.

Pets? Did someone say pets???
They absolutely love each other and always sleep curled up together. They’re used to being around kids and good with other cats.

Did someone say kids? Woo woo!
They’re undeniably awesome cats and will make their adopters very, very happy!

Hey Moo Moo, I think I see a lap to sit on!
Looking for a couple of dogs? We have the perfect cats! Adopt Cupcake (A087968) and Moo Moo (A087969)!