2020 has been quite the year with lots of new challenges and changes, but one thing hasn’t changed: Kitten Season.

Every year when the weather warms up, Kitten Season begins. Stray and feral cats living in the wild begin having kittens, and hundreds of these kittens are turned in at the Burbank Animal Shelter. The Shelter does not have the space to house and care for them all, and this is where our Kitten Foster Program (KFP) comes in. KFP saves over 250 tiny kittens, some only a few days old, each year by providing care in temporary foster homes until they can be adopted.

Welcome to the program little guy!
Our foster parents come from all over Burbank and the surrounding areas, and during the lockdown we saw a huge increase with over 40 new foster families joining the program! We’d like to say a big thank you to all our new fosters for joining us!!!

New foster, new kitten! Happy foster, happy kitten!
The “new normal” of 2020 means we’ve had to make lots of changes to keep the program going and keep everyone safe. When fosters pick up kittens, supplies, or bring them to the vet, everything is done with zero contact. And with kitten fairs postponed indefinitely, we’ve ramped up our social media game to promote our kittens. Help us spread the word by following us on Instagram and Facebook at @thevbas and you’ll see *lots* of kittens!

Super happy to be in a foster home!
Even our meet and greets are being done with zero contact, and they’re going very well! Video introductions allow adopters to the kittens in their natural environment where their true personalities can shine. We’ve been doing kitten meet and greets via Facetime and Zoom for the last six weeks and they’ve been going *great* with over 50 kittens adopted!

Big Tony is looking for his forever home. Could it be yours???
If you’d like to learn more about fostering, click on our Kitten Foster Volunteer page to see our Frequently Asked Questions and to sign up! And if you are unable to foster, but want to help save lives, please click here to make a donation to help our kittens. Thank you!