Blackjack was given to the shelter by someone who claimed that they got him from a homeless woman who was unable to care for him. He has limited sight due to cataracts that the Vet thinks he was born with. He is young at about 2 to 3 years old and he LOVES catnip toys and sitting on shoulders. He also loves to hang out in the office with shelter staff.

Blackjack needs to go to an adult home and to someone experienced with cats that exhibit occasional bad behavior. He is very mouthy and will nip when pushed to do something he doesn’t want to do or if he gets bored and someone is not paying attention to him. It isn’t a full blown bite, but enough to scare someone who isn’t familiar with bratty cats. When he is calm, he is a loving, purring boy.
Blackjack appears to not be a fan of other cats, and would prefer to be the only animal. He has to go to a secure home where he cannot sneak out due to his sight issues. To meet Blackjack, check out his profile at to complete an application and schedule an appointment.