Adele is a very sweet and gentle but slightly anxious young kitty, looking for her fur-ever emotional support human.

She likes to spend most of her day sitting on her foster mom’s desk and she is the best work buddy! At night when her other foster mom plays video games, she sits right beside her on the couch. If she’s in the mood, she’ll even lay on top of her foster mom while she takes a post-lunch nap. She really is the best hang out buddy!

She is sure to Make You Feel her Love when she nudges her head into your hand in the mornings while purring and making biscuits. She doesn’t sleep on her foster mom’s bed (yet), but when the first alarm rings, she knows it’s time for morning cuddles before officially waking up in the morning.

Adele came to our home as an adult foster because she was returned after having bathroom accidents. She was adopted out of the shelter as a super confident kitten, but was returned a year later as a completely different cat, likely caused by the bullying of the resident cat. We’ve had her for about 9 months now, and she’s still gaining confidence and making improvements to this day! She had a few accidents in the beginning, but in general she’s great about using the litterbox and has been accident-free for over 5 months now. We’re excited to see how much more progress/how much cuddlier she becomes once she truly settles down in her forever home!

Adele would be a great fit for someone with a quiet home, especially someone who works from home, so she can continue being the best desk buddy. She is great with guests and might be cautious the first time, but will remember when they visit for the second time and come greet them!

Adele might require a little time to settle in at her new home, but watching her gain confidence and open up is so rewarding!

Could her fur-ever person be Someone Like You? To learn more about Adele contact Yuriko at or check out her progress @shrinpyfosters on Instagram!