Teigen’s Medical Miracle

When Teigen the kitten arrived at the shelter in July, we knew something wasn’t right.  She was half the size of her siblings, sickly, and could not swallow or eat properly.  Teigen had a hole in the roof of her mouth known as a cleft palate.  Food was going into…...

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Haunted Mansion Lawn Display Fundraiser: Three Nights Left!

Due to Covid, our friends at Rotten Apple 907 are *not* doing a walk through haunted house this year. Instead they’ve made a lawn display to be viewed from the sidewalk. But being who they are they are, this isn’t a run of the mill lawn display.  They built a 22…...

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The Turkey Trot!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and for the 7th year in a row a team from the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter will be participating in our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Burbank Turkey Trot! Like everything else in 2020, this year’s Turkey Trot is going to…...

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Tiger and Sharkie Adopted!!!!

What’s better than Tiger and Sharkie going camping?  How about Tiger and Sharkie *going to their forever home*!!! WE GOT A HOME!!! It was three years in the making, but it finally happened!  Tiger and Sharkie got adopted!!  Click here to see the video of the big day! We got…...

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Auction For Animals: Thank You for Making it a Success!

Thanks from all of us! We’d like to say a big *thank you* to our friends and sponsors who donated items for bids, and to everyone who bid at Auction for Animals!  Together you raised over $8,500!  Thank you for making it such a success! All funds will go directly…...

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Free Ways to help!

Do you shop at Amazon or Ralphs? Does your employer match donations or give grants for hours volunteered? Do you post on Facebook? Read on to learn ways to raise funds for the animals *for free*. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable…...

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Tiger and Sharkie Go Camping!

Road trip!!! If you’ve visited the Burbank Animal Shelter in the last 2 years, you’ve seen bonded pair Tiger and Sharkie’s silly faces. You’ve probably heard them, too – these 6-year-old Chihuahua/Boxer/Pit mixes get so excited when people pass their kennel, they wriggle and shout. They love being around people…...

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Our New Fundraiser: Auction for Animals!

The VBAS is pleased to announce Auction for Animals 2020. Psssst….they’re hosting an auction. Thanks to the generosity of many local businesses and friends of the shelter, we are hosting our first ever virtual online auction to raise funds for the animals at the Burbank Animal Shelter!  The online auction…...

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Lots of Happy Adoptions!

Since reopening for adoptions via appointment in late June, the shelter has been seeing a lot of great adoptions!  Here are a few! TK was one of the Shelters’ first adoptees after reopening. He’s doing great and is now known as Montgomery Ward (Monty for short) Bonded pair Sammy and…...

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You Will Be Saving Kittens With Your Donation Today

If you have already made a donation to help our kittens, thank you.  If you are unable to donate, we understand.  But if you can help, your donation will save lives. Covid 19 has caused tremendous changes that have affected us all.  But one thing has not changed: Kitten Season…...

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