On the 1st day of Christmas the VBAS Medical Program gave to Ginger ONE special surgery to fix her broken pelvis.

Ginger was hit by a car and arrived at the shelter with a badly broken pelvis. For small dogs sometimes rest can heal the injury, but in Ginger’s case the damage was too extreme and she needed surgery. Because of donors like you, Ginger was able to go to an orthopedic specialist and have the surgery she needed!
She’s on her way to making a full recovery and being cleared for adoption.
Help the next animal at the Shelter in need of surgery.
On the 2nd day of Christmas the VBAS honored TWO cats, Rowdy & Tigger, by sponsoring a 50% adoption fee reduction for all bonded pairs.

Brothers Rowdy and Tigger, and 6 other bonded pairs were able to be adopted together due to the VBAS funding its reduced fee adoption program. In addition to bonded pairs, adoption fees for seniors (7+ years old) and long term residents (5+ months) are 50% off as well! 7 bonded pairs, 14 long termers, and 20 seniors were adopted through the program in 2018.
Help us continue this program and honor a special love like Rowdy and Tigger, Cinema and Bennie, Risky and Candy, Jake and Portia, Bruce and Gidget , Melody and Oreo, and many, many others.
On the 3rd day of Christmas the VBAS gave to Bruno THREE training lessons.

Bruno and his new family received post adoption training classes sponsored by the VBAS to guarantee a successful adoption.
Help the next dog get proper training.
On the 4th day of Christmas the VBAS bought over FOUR hundred pounds of food for our kittens.

Kittens Bonnie and Clyde, and more than 250 just like them in our Kitten Foster Program will eat more than 400 pounds of food this year.
Help put food in the mouth of a hungry kitten!
On the 5th day of Christmas the VBAS provided FIVE lab tests per week!

Our sweet senior boy, Bing Crosby, arrived at the shelter with a mouth full of bad teeth. An in house blood panel and labwork done by our medical program showed he was otherwise healthy and cleared him for some major dental work. Now Bing has a big smile, is much happier (he got adopted!), and is home for the holidays!
Help us provide labs and bloodwork for all the animals that need it!
On the 6th day of Christmas the VBAS gave to our Kitten Foster Program SIX thousand pounds of litter! (That’s two pallets of the stuff!)

Cupcake, Simon, Hazel, Daisy, Andy and their friends in the Kitten Foster Program (Over 250 kittens saved this year!) go through tons of litter every year. Literally!
Help us keep the litter pans stocked and help us save more kittens.
On the 7th day of Christmas the VBAS gave to foster puppies SEVEN days a week of at home care.

Being a puppy foster parent is a 24/7 job, but without this round the clock care puppies wouldn’t have a chance. The Puppy Foster Program gave 7 days a week of care to our 7 puppies in 2018! Help give a puppy the right start in life.
On the 8th day of Christmas the Volunteers gave to the animals EIGHT hours a month of cleaning and socializing, adoption counseling, program leadership, and love.

The VBAS is a 100% volunteer run organization. We ask our volunteers for an 8 hour per month commitment, but they give many more. This year our volunteers have donated more than 16,000 hours of their time to help the animals. Day in and day out the animals depend on the volunteers showing up to work, to play, to plan and to be a voice for homeless animals. Donate here and add your voice to the cause. Learn more about volunteering at the VBAS here.
On the 9th day of Christmas the VBAS celebrates NINE years of Happy Tails Hikes.

An amazing idea for a shelter dog – to hike on a mountain trail. Twice each month shelter dogs are taken on Volunteer led hikes in Stough Canyon.
Help a shelter dog take a hike.
On the 10th day of Christmas the VBAS gave to injured or ill animals TEN X-rays every week.

Our Digital X Ray machine has been an absolute game changer for our medical program! Every animal needing x-rays now gets them!
Help keep our X-ray running and providing life saving diagnosis to more cats and dogs.
On the 11th day of Christmas the VBAS placed ELEVEN barn cats into a safe home during the months of June, July and August.

Our Barn Cat Program and Socialization Team work all year long to secure barns, stables or businesses for outdoor, unsocialized cats who could never be adopted as a house pet. The Socialization Team works daily with the scared and stressed cats and through this effort some are successfully adopted. 5 socialization cats and 18 barn cats graduated from these programs in 2018.
Help a cat who needs special placement find a home.
On the 12th day of Christmas the VBAS gave TWELVE months of saving the lives of curious cats, friendly dogs, snuggly bunnies and other furry and feathered creatures.

Can you think of a more perfect holiday gift? We can’t! Donate here and help us save more lives!